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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
Another DaynnnLive another daynClimb a little highernFind another reason to staynAshes in your handsnMercy in your eyesnIf you're searching for a silent sky...nnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo die another daynnThe coldness of his wordsnThe message in his silence,n'Face the candle to the wind...'nThis distance in my voicenIsn't leaving you a choicenSo if you're looking for a time to run away...nnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo try another daynnThey took pictures of our dreamsnRan to hide behind the stairsnAnd said maybe when it's right for you, they'll fallnBut if they don't come downnResist the need to pull them innAnd throw them awaynBetter to save the mysterynThan surrender to the secretnnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo try another daynnBy Dream Theater
15 tahun yang lalu
keren mas Eka ... sayang kabel listriknya kliatan ya, tapi tetep mak nyus irnya mas .............. salam klik!
tone nya bagus, ada lirik lagunya juga ...
nice view, Om... framing & tonal IR-na sippp... salam
Photo IR yang Oke banget salut untuk karyanya....
wuih, IR & refleksinya keren bgt..salut..salam sukses
irnya juaraaaaaaa
wow...IR nya ok banget..foto landscape yg mantaf........
View ir nya cakep..salam
tonal irnya bikin salut selalu...... salam hangat selalu, mas...
nha apik meneh...........
Perfect,...foto IR yg menawan dan permai momentnya...salut, salam hangat selalu