Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
Another DaynnnLive another daynClimb a little highernFind another reason to staynAshes in your handsnMercy in your eyesnIf you're searching for a silent sky...nnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo die another daynnThe coldness of his wordsnThe message in his silence,n'Face the candle to the wind...'nThis distance in my voicenIsn't leaving you a choicenSo if you're looking for a time to run away...nnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo try another daynnThey took pictures of our dreamsnRan to hide behind the stairsnAnd said maybe when it's right for you, they'll fallnBut if they don't come downnResist the need to pull them innAnd throw them awaynBetter to save the mysterynThan surrender to the secretnnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo try another daynnBy Dream Theater
15 tahun yang lalu
kompo n framing nya asoy..
Mantep bener nih framing dan pengkomposisiannya...pinter!;)) Salam FN ti Jakarta...
mantap euy....... tone nya suka mas . kurang sreg ma awan nya .... keseluruhan suka mas . thx
Mati gwe... IRnya tambah cespleng...! Suka dengan frame daunnya...
Wow tonalnyaaaaa asik framing dan view selalu mantap, salut. Amole
wew... tambah merajalela.... refleksi bikin segeeerrr.
framing style yang manis untuk menyiasati langit yg terasa flat...nicely composed. nice IR mas...salam.
nice view bro, tiang listrik aja nih merusak suasana :)
setelah saya ikuti foto IR nya selalu memakau beda dengan yang lain.....tajem dan tone tegas.....salam
Dimensi tone n refleksi sip.....;)
IRnya cakep....................:D
view oke..framingnya sip.. salam,smoga berkenan..
..kompo n framingnya asoy dhe..cantik tone nya..smangat yoooooooooo!!!
hmmmm.... hanya bisa menikmati view yg indah gini... khas dari om Otto... mantap ^^v
tone yg mantap..........viewnya tetep asik...salam
nice tonal irnya...nice framingnya...pusisinya selalu sweet...salam
.............................................[ masih mas: istimewa ! ]
waaah, keren pak IR-nya, komponya sip. salam.
suka sama framing nya ...mantap.. :D
IR tone yang sudah ada dipakarnya ...
apik tenan tone ne mas. . . . . . . salute
mantap bung.....gak bisa berkata-kata...salam
cantik banget IRnya.. refleksinya juga keren..
IR yg yahud.. tersa damai viewnya.. salam...