Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Ricky Siegers (55768)
last sunset of the yearrnToday’s sunset is the lastrnsunset of this year andrnI pray that all your worriesrnend with this sunset andrnnew beem of new year spreadrnhappiness in your life.rnHAPPY NEW YEAR.rnrnDuring the year may you havernEnough happiness to keep you sweet.rnEnough trials to keep you strong.rnEnough sorrow to keep you human.rnEnough hope to keep you happy.rnEnough failure to keep you humble.rnEnough success to keep you eager.rnEnough friends to give you comfort.rnEnough wealth to meet your needs.rnEnough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow.rnEnough determination to make each day better than the day before.
16 tahun yang lalu
W ah lama tak jumpa om kmn sj nich,keren om,nice combination antara tone angle and dofnya,salam dr batu mlng jatim
suka dgn kompo dan framingnya,..selamat taun baru,..new hope,..salam
asik Boz goldy sunsetnya....enough 3TU deh....
yep.... enough of everything. bahkan matahari pun kau jadikan bagian dari komposisi.... sungguh kagum
Awesome ending of the year. . .Happy New Year Bro, May God give u all "enough" wish u hope. . .Keep ur faith in God and all these things shall be added unto you & your family. . .GBU
cantik bro.....selamat tahun baru....... :) adios makecos
aku................ suka banget
simple... nice....
keren bro ..... :)
asik bener om ngeliatnya... gradasi nya pun cakep...salam om...
your photo is never enough for me................... hehehe
ah selalu, menawan hati fotomu... kapan nih ke Indo-nya.. hunting yuuuk
Hallo bro,met tahun baru ya?agak telat nih.........mantap konsepnya,asyik tonalnya.........salam.
mantap banget om Ricky..konsep dan tehnik yg matang selalu..
happy new year to you too... hopefully this year may bring luck and happiness to all of us :D
Mantap abissssss owm Rick....Aku menunggu This Year Kedatangannya...hehehehehehe....salam
Nice pict brother... indah sekali... n Happy New Year 2009 too... semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun2 yang lalu dan semua asa serta cita tercapai... amien....
met taun baru bro :D ..... semoga dapet lensa baru hehehehe ;)) piss
happy new year Rick!! wish u all the best.......... regards..
cakep bang... penyajiannya TOP punya... ^_^
bening... pilihan anglenya mantap...!!
Ide yang brilliant and nice photo Mas Ricky. Happy New Year 2009
Pakabar??? met tahun baru om... nais fotonya... huhuhu...