Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Ricky Siegers (55768)
last sunset of the yearrnToday’s sunset is the lastrnsunset of this year andrnI pray that all your worriesrnend with this sunset andrnnew beem of new year spreadrnhappiness in your life.rnHAPPY NEW YEAR.rnrnDuring the year may you havernEnough happiness to keep you sweet.rnEnough trials to keep you strong.rnEnough sorrow to keep you human.rnEnough hope to keep you happy.rnEnough failure to keep you humble.rnEnough success to keep you eager.rnEnough friends to give you comfort.rnEnough wealth to meet your needs.rnEnough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow.rnEnough determination to make each day better than the day before.
14 tahun yang lalu
sejuuuuk bangeeet di haati....siiip...salam
nice sunset benerrr...salam
bagus,,nice kompo n sunsetnyaa
fotonya asik mas... lebih bagus lagi puisinya... ^^
nice siluet..... nice moment.... love this pic..... salam
nice moment and simple,salam
ngiler liatnyaaa
keren... :) slm knl
warnanya manis bgt om...
nice,,,,salut,,,compony pas bangt,,,,
hihi foto pertama 2009
sangat bagus
15 tahun yang lalu
nice sunset...
selamat om , anda layak dapat bintang.........moment nya apik.tajem mempesona. salam
Fotonya mantap!!
the best dah.....................mas salm kenal
warnanya dapet
salam kenal... brother, excelence ......
sangat artistik..compo angle,tonenya smuanya oke>> salam kenal dr pemula..
ok ...setuju banget! salam dri newbie bekasi
komposisi nya menarik bgt Om .... , tonal nya oke punya