Mas, Kameranya Disini Loh...!  

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


This picture was taken as learning point to captured people's moment. As can be seen, some of the people in the picture are more interested in other things instead of focus and looking good in the picture. The people in the picture are my friends and most of them live in HK. One of them is HK fner, Hario Seto Supranggono. Please apologize on the untidy digital modification made to the picture, i realized it is still far from sufficient. Comments, critics, corrections and suggestion from FNers are most welcome and appreciated...manythanks...bukit
rnDate Time Original: 2006:12:03 21:52:40
rnISO Speed Ratings: 400

  • Nilai foto: 670
  • Dilihat: 1920
  • Waktu upload: Rabu, 31 Jan 2007
  • Lokasi: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/1.8
  • Speed: 1/30
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon EOS 30D *
  • Lensa: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II *
  • Filter: Hoya Pro1 Digital MC PL-C
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Rifky (96292)

18 tahun yang lalu

sedap...cakep olahannya...tonenya asik...salam