Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture was taken as learning point to captured people's moment. As can be seen, some of the people in the picture are more interested in other things instead of focus and looking good in the picture. The people in the picture are my friends and most of them live in HK. One of them is HK fner, Hario Seto Supranggono. Please apologize on the untidy digital modification made to the picture, i realized it is still far from sufficient. Comments, critics, corrections and suggestion from FNers are most welcome and appreciated...manythanks...bukitrnrnDate Time Original: 2006:12:03 21:52:40rnISO Speed Ratings: 400
18 tahun yang lalu
he...3x ini bukan Indo Triad khan he...3x :D keren banget....modelnya juga kekar...3x...great shot & oldig...
tonenya oke, komposisinya pas, temanya unik...salam FN n thanks...
olahan nya keren bro....................
heuehueh..bisa ajah ...tone nyah asikk bang......olahannya juga asik kok..salam hangaaaat
Weis..... mantap kali bang olahannya.....tone and komponya dasyat...Nice
oLdignya keren , TOnenya asYik
weh weh weh....jagoan FPE neh...mantap foto ini.....salam JN
Cute pic,Nice PS.Love the tone.
mantap olahannya bang, tonenya itu... nice moment. salam
judulnya bikin momentnya pas bgt
blagh, no effort to look good, eh? but they still look fabulous..too greenish tone but still works for me.
wuaduh..... advance retouch, very nice result... pemilihan judul tepat sekali, salut
tonal dan olahannyaaaaaaaaaa.....maut bangettttttttttttttttt.....SALAM ^0^v
keren idenya...buat yg biasa jadi luar biasa....
olahan tonenya kusukaaa.....
gorengannya mantab boss.....
Olahannya bercita rasa seni yang tinggi sekali oom Bukit. MIrip sampul kaset nih oom...keren..salam salim oom Bukit.
suka ma potonya....isolasi cahayanya bikin enak dilihat....salam :)
Keran komponya..olahannya dahsyat, terutama tonalnya... Apik tenan Mas... Salam
cakep olahan dan tonenya...top shot salam..
this is great....nice composition with great PS works.....nice tone as well, cheers
pasti ada ceweq lewat..
Saya kira tadi ada group musik tanah air yang lagi ke Hongkong hehehe.. sentuhan tonenya bagus.. yang kanan paling cantik hehehe... very nice pict
kaya cover album group band kang...
Tone & lightingnya Asik Mas ... Salam