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Muhammad Reza, Kodok (15273)
Between a thousand years left in my lonely earththe river of pearl flows under your pillow, climbing the lights up into the seventh sky, Bringing the north wind waste the dales, through the next chapterGod painted blue of the sky in Gabriel’s hand… But wheres the sepia brown’s left?While we seek in many autumns of September,you find the one between jungle woods in your springWithout frontiers, I believe in words we’ve ever saidsave in time by warmly soul, to let the living stands on your shoreSolid mist taken the sunlight in the way to heavenWhile summer falls dancing in your heart, how many leafs down under your rain?And when those silences follow these tears,the melody you sang goes into eternityas the shattered wind lays on your windowYou have my words in your beautiful love, that we’ll keep in trust to the silence that follows the rain.
21 tahun yang lalu
G O O D,,,besok upload chapter 10 yah, ;D
agak dipadatkan mungkin asyik
bikin aku nahan nafas, sampe gak isa ngomentari lagi...
aku suka bukunya....
nice picture... great colour and composition too!
Great Shot.
pingin coba jadinya mas,kereeennn
Nice concept and nice shot!! And a nice poem too as well...
konsep yang bagus,...
Saya kira ujung kanan terlalu sempit.
Terkonsep rapi sampai ke tulisannya, salut !
very romantic and very warm ..... (too warm?)
We’ll keep in trust to the silence that follows the rain --Great Shot: for a Geat Poem. Great Artist for a great pose. Great Shot for a great moment.
ddd...ini tambahan jempolnya, ilmunya boleh nih dibagi2
Romantis banget. Apalagi keterangan tambahannya Wuuuih.Berbunga-bunga rasanya.
tob bangetz zha ,,,swumpiuah duehhhhh
Hebat euuyy.. model OK, pencahayaan romantis banget..Di tunggu chapter berikutnya
Hebat...kuat stamina ...jreg..jregg.. oks bangettt dehh
aku ambil kamus dulu hehe...
nice session..kepala yang cewek kurang sensual gayanya...!
di tungu chapter berikutnya
Memang indah.
Ini contoh foto yang berkonsep...!!Very good ...