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Muhammad Reza, Kodok (15273)
Between a thousand years left in my lonely earththe river of pearl flows under your pillow, climbing the lights up into the seventh sky, Bringing the north wind waste the dales, through the next chapterGod painted blue of the sky in Gabriel’s hand… But wheres the sepia brown’s left?While we seek in many autumns of September,you find the one between jungle woods in your springWithout frontiers, I believe in words we’ve ever saidsave in time by warmly soul, to let the living stands on your shoreSolid mist taken the sunlight in the way to heavenWhile summer falls dancing in your heart, how many leafs down under your rain?And when those silences follow these tears,the melody you sang goes into eternityas the shattered wind lays on your windowYou have my words in your beautiful love, that we’ll keep in trust to the silence that follows the rain.
21 tahun yang lalu
wahh gawat nihh klo gw pacarannn bisa kena spy kamera nehh
Bikin ngiri deh ngeliat foto ini. Ngiri ama fotografernya, Jago shoot nya. Ngiri juga ama model co nya, he he he
Pencahayaan yang apik. Pose pun pas, bikin orang panas dingin...
romance banget!...
Hangat, menarik dan ekspresif. Great Shot!
Nice! Cahaya orangenya hangat...! Mengundang... :) 3 TU buat Puisinya (cari kamus juga)
pengen di photo kayak gini ... !!!
bikin orang pengen, mungkin lebih bagus lagi kalo mukanya lebih terang
ok. Kodok makin mantap...
expresi muka pasangan keduanya lebih dimunculkan lagi dong biar lebih asik ihihihih
bagus banget , kulit wajah terlalu merah.
so romantic man....hehehehehhehe....it's amazing......hehehehehe.......
sangat romantis tapi kurang terang sinarnya
romantis banget, agak kurang tajam
cahaya ok... sofa ditutup kain ok bagus deh
Romantis... koq ada buku sih? chapter selanjutnya pasti mungut buku..., jatoh sih!!
lightingnya keren banget
buagus cekaleee konsepnya.....gimanaa gitu...
fine also
UupsT'...!!! Romantic...
lightingnya pas banget ...
puisinya bagus...
lightingnya keren and romantis banget.
interestin'...!!! sensasionallll... like it!!!