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Rizky Dwi Nanto (11164)
The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that our globe is undergoing major climate change. They also agree that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is rising significantly.We can see from satellite images and research that the ice caps are melting faster, our sea levels are rising, and weather patterns are changing. We are experiencing more water shortages and we will see hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones increasing in ferocity and frequency. The deserts will expand and the world will ultimately have difficulty growing enough food. Without doubt, we have to change the way we live.This is a crisis of global proportion, but please don't despair! Come with me and understand what causes global warming and climate change, then act, do something...."YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE"
13 tahun yang lalu
woww keren...bener bener dramatis..bagi donk ilmux...salam
konsepnya kreatif..membawa pesan moral yang dalam..salam jepret..mari mampir2 ke galeri saya jika berkenan :-)
kerennn .....
oldignya juara...
oldignya keren n fotonya bercerita n kreatif. salam...
Oldignya mantap......, kerennnnnn
olah digitalnya kelas dewa.. art photo juga nih kategorinya... suka sekali mas.
Dramatic picture ,,,, betul2 keren,,,, kompo n angle serta tone pas sekali,, ok banget ni Mas,,,, salam
wew asik bgt oldignya nih, konsep cakep, kreatif bgt Om, tonenya pas, salam
ide dan olahannya selalu membuatku tercengang dan terkagum2...........salam hangat selalu
waw, manteb DI nya kang... suka..
nice shoot...nice idea....good moment...salam
waahhh luar biasa niiii, bisa jadi pesan yang bagus tentang bahayanya global warming, nice oldig
Mantabz.... keren ide dan hasilnya
Dahsyatttttt...........kompo dan tonalnya asik.........Oldignya Istimewa........
olahannya tambah sadis...memperkuat pesan dalam foto ini...salam hormat...
Oldignya dramatis nih. Salam
oldignya mantap...
mantap olahannya