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Libertus Steve Matuari (12425)
(Mark 13:33-37) 33 Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come. 34 It is like a man away on a journey, who upon leaving his house and putting his slaves in charge, assigning to each one his task, also commanded the doorkeeper to stay on the alert. 35 Therefore, be on the alert - for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning. 36 in case he should come suddenly and find you asleep. 37 What I say to you I say to all, "Be on the alert!"rnrnrnrnDate Time Original: 2010:09:10 09:23:22rnISO Speed Ratings: 400rnrnrnrn-untuk mas TM Fajar Al Mursalin-, burung lagi nangkring di PUNCAK daun palem yang belum mekar, rnitu bukan tempelan. kalau tempelan pasti saya kategorikan "olah digital".
13 tahun yang lalu
Tajjam, tone, dan bokehnya keren, salam jepret
tajam n bokeh...
tajam,,,tonenya oke
udah bagus, cm kayanya oversharpening ya.
14 tahun yang lalu
mantab tajem,.bokehnya keren..salam hangat
Ajib abiss. tajam kalii nih photo. kerennnn.
tajam...tonenya mantap abis..makasih udah mampir om
tajam, bening, halus dan pose yg memikat hati..salut, shs
sangat bagus Om ... saya juga punya stock burung ini, nama burungnya ngga tahu :D ... mantap Om
tajam dan compo cakep sekali!!!
wow!!!tajam!!mantap surantap deh!!!maunya sih ngasih cacian, tp kok bagusnya spt ini!!salut deh...salam aw
buat saya komposisi,angle,sama tonalnya keren..nice shot..salam
Detil banget om.... bening lagi fotonya ... salam kenal