Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Ivan Kurniawan Saputra (60909)
This photo was taken on March 07th 2010 ........1 day after my boy’s 1st birthday.rnHe is my inspiration to learn photography .......to capture each great moments of his life .rnrnAnd I wish he will love photography .....................just as I do ..........rnAnd someday I hope he will be FNers too.................
14 tahun yang lalu
lucu and keren idenyaa.. *jempol
Mantaaap Bgt Dah....
Top buanget ini foto....
hahahaha..... kereeeeen...........
emang family time is a precious moment yg harus diabadikan.
keren abis, dan lucu....
GREAT , !!!!
keren gan
wow, sangat tajam, bokehnya luar biasa, POInya dapet.lensa ef 85 f1,2 L memang OK
cerah banget, dan bokeh abis
wow,,bener2 mantap konsepnya
keren.. make me smile.. like father like son
woww! keren! benar2 lucu! hihihi.. Masa depannya cerah sekali sebgai fotografer..
wew cameraman child
mantab bnget nih gaaan.... :D
keerrreenn bbgggttt .....
suka ide nya saya Om. . . kompo n tone nya cakep bnget nie
Aiiih indahnya. Si adek lucu banget deh ekspresinya :)
nice tone..POI nya cute