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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
Another Dayn@ Dream TheaternnLive another daynClimb a little highernFind another reason to staynAshes in your handsnMercy in your eyesnIf you're searching for a silent sky...nnThe coldness of his wordsnThe message in his silence,n'Face the candle to the wind...'nThis distance in my voicenIsn't leaving you a choicenSo if you're looking for a time to run away...nnThey took pictures of our dreamsnRan to hide behind the stairsnAnd said maybe when it's right for you, they'll fallnBut if they don't come downnResist the need to pull them innAnd throw them awaynBetter to save the mysterynThan surrender to the secretnnYou won't find it herenLook another waynYou won't find it herenSo try another daynn- Have A Nice Day -
14 tahun yang lalu
Weh..da lama ga mampir.....keren bangeeett.. :) salam..MS
iki ki mo apak ke to kang???? apik nan dabs.....wes kleru jurusan kon.....
garapan yang cantik ....... cermat ........ menjadikan tampilan ini memiliki suatu yang khas dalam suasana ........... indah ........ terkesan sejuk dan dingin .......... tertata dengan rapi ....... salam
cakep bgt mas tonalnya..tajam dan detail juga.. salam..smoga berkenan..
Mantab viewnya...., keren IR nya.. opo kabare mas Eka..., salam dari Zoetermeer
nice contrast n angle!
wow cakep banget tonenya..... keren..... salam selalu :)
indah sekali.. palagi ditambah IR yg cakep.. saya liat dr bbrp foto lokasi di Jepang pemandangannya memang mengesankan... nice poem.. salam
mantab bgt IR nya... :)
tonal iRnya garang abis master!!! salam iR
view dan komponya cakep mas...salam hangat
Mantap bang tonalnya
Nice composition, captured the moment!nice lighting!