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Heru C Rishardana (40064)
The Importance of Being Lucky in Landscape PhotographyrnThese two shots of the same spot were takenrnwith the same camera, same lens, almost the same settings,rnat approximately the same hour of the day,rnyet five months apart.rnrnThe season has decidedly changed, from dry to rainy one.rnThe difference of mood and overall tone is astounding.rnrnOftentimes, when we travel to some place,rnwe just have to make do with whatever in front of us.rnWe can't be lucky all the time, can we? :)rnThank you for stopping by.rnCritiques and comments will be greatly appreciated ... cheers :)
15 tahun yang lalu
top abezzzzzzzzzzzz....sajian dua moment yang indah...salam
sangar kale tonalnya mas Heru... keren banget fotonya... salam
kolasenya cakep daeng... indah dalam komposisi & tonal yang apik ^^v
Nice pic..
always the best from you mas......salam
mas Heru sekali lagi 3 jempol !!! muanstap view n tonalnya, (dua2nya adem ayem,he...) salam.
kreatif idenya mas heru, eksekusiny pun mansstaappp...salam
baru ketemu landscape disajikan dengan manis begini...dua2nya cakep mas Heru..tonalnya mantap...terasa bedanya meskipun spotnya sama...salut.
selalu keren deh shootnya..suka banget sam tolan foto sebelah kanan,,ajarin dong mas..
landscapenya selalu keren dan indah...tonalnya matang dan mantab bro...salam
Ajeeebbb bro... sumpah kerenn abiss..... salam
presentasi foto yg indah
the perfect quote for this : "Photography is the beauty of life, captured (Tara Chisholm)".... harusnya 2x3TU nih mas :-)
Wah..wah......koleksi perahunya banyak yaaa.... :) mantab heru.. :)
komparasi landscape yg sama2 indah. salam
kereeennnn...dua-duanya indah dalam karakternya masing2....salute lah buat mas heru!
gileeeee....., manteb banget euy viewnya. salute buat karyanya..... rhs,.
+____ bravo...bravo..........paduan 2 pic yg manis...salut..salam
wiiiiiiiiii...........cakep nian kolase nya....salam jepret
ckckck..penyajiannya mantap skali mas..emang bener sieh kalo cuaca & musim sangat mempengaruhi apa yg kita dapatkan dalam fotografi landscape..mantapss! salam :)
Keren mas 2 in 1 nya:)
wow...landscapenya keren, tonenya juga keren, kolasenya juga keren...