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Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho (71632)
- The Dark Secret -rnrnrnThe sun fades away as a distant flamernagainst the skyrnBeyond the clouds liesrnthe undiscovered truthrnA realm still not known to manrnand the powers it possessesrnNow the time is soon at hand so bewarernrnDestined to doom by a force of the unknownrnthe answer still not far awayrnYou all may wonder what lies beyondrnrnPassing away through the eye of the stormrnSealed up inside so untouched, so securedrnIn The eye of the strm lies the seceret alonernIn dark deep inside, a power so strongrnrnThe sky starts dividing,rnand sends its wrath down to earthrnThe fallen ones emerge out of the mistrnWith powers never seen before,rnand the secret it withholdsrnAnother victim of the secretrnhad come forthrnrnDestined to doom by...rnrnBy Nocturnal Rites
15 tahun yang lalu
warnanya keren banget....
no coment,,,just greatt,,,salam de shutaa
ada tambahan warna mencolok mas,...apik menurutku tp istilah IR nya gak tau....salam salut
woghhhhhh.. dashyatttttt... ada lampiran Nocturnal juga... keren2.... pemandangan yang ga ad di indo gini, nice banget dari konsep, teknik, dan eksekusi nya..
mantep tone-nya
Apik tenan
joss pisan ne om...kompo ,tonenya pas..mantap.....
Luar biasa IRnya.perfect bgt.
Selalu keren kompo dan tonalnya. Amole
wow.. baru nih.. asik juga :P konsepnya asik.. mateng banget olahnya :P
selalu deh bikin iri karya2nya... suka sekali tone daunnya... kerenn...
Beautiful and puitis...wow.. I can't comment anymore still waiting for My IR camera..Top Capture...Saluttt..
Cakep Tokugawaen, kompo dan tonalnya top abis. Salam dari Sapporo...
Keren abiz nich gambar..
mantaf om...wis ra iso koment meneh aku...respect.........