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Ali Trisno Pranoto (6224)
Subaim, Taste of Java in East HalmaherannSubaim Wasile - East HalmaheranSubaim is a transmigration region in East Halmahera. Starting as Government's Project in the early of 80s, people fromnnCentral & East Java and Madura started to farm here. And it's quite successfull now.nnSpots for Photography :n- Ricefields in SP2 and SP1n- Gunung Wato Waton- Tujuh Bidadari / Tujuh Rupa waterfalls in SP1n- Reservoirs in SP1 and SP6 (which i didn't go)n- Rivers in SP1 and SP4 (which i didn't go)nnHow do i get here?nI am now live in Ternate. So, here are the steps :n- Kotabaru speedboat port to Sofifi : small speedboat, Rp. 50.000 each person. 1 hour only.n- Sofifi to Subaim : by car, known as oto pangkalan / local taxi, Rp. 175.000 each person (choose car like mitsubishi strada,nnor fortuner for more convenient, cause the road is poor). 4-5 hours if not raining.nnPlace to stay and to eat?nI stayed at LESTARI inn in SP1 (Rp. 100.000 per night).nThere are few numbers of restaurant (warung) here, with taste of real javanese food such as Lalapan Ayam (around Rp. 20.000),nnSate Ayam/Kambing (around Rp.12.000), Gado-gado (around Rp. 7.000).nBakso "Pak Dakun" in SP1 is recommended!nnTransportation in Subaim?nYou can always take Ojek. But i prefer to rent a motorcycle, because i was with friend. It's around Rp. 75.000 per day.nnHow do i get back to Ternate?nNormally, you can do just the opposite way you get here. But, i was trying different way. here are the steps :n- Subaim port to Tobelo : Ferry, leaving at 11pm arriving at 6am, Rp. 15.000 each personn- Tobelo to Sofifi : by car, Rp. 175.000 each person, 4 hours long.n- Sofifi - Ternate : small speedboat, Rp. 50.000 each person. 1 hour only.nnSP : Sentra Pemukimannnhave a nice travelling :)
15 tahun yang lalu
ok nih.... mampir ke gallery saya
Sepakat dengan judul dan narasinya.. "Representative". Take a pict dari dermaga kearah gunung bos, ada gunung orang tidur, viewnya bagus juga.. really javanese taste in Halmahera
Nice komposisi dan tonal mas... Seger banget liatnya...
Luas bgt. suka tonalx Bos...^_^
warna dan komposisi toppppp...
landscape view dan awannya keren bener mas Ali, nice ........... salam klik!
naissss........ alias nice... hehhe
Landscape mantaffff dan viewnya enak banget. Salam....
Amazing landscape... salut...
what a nice view of Subaim...
Pemandangan yg indah. Tone dan kompo mantap.
natural banget..
wow mantap surantap viewnya cakep
mantap.. tonenya asik
viewny krasa bngt mas.. kompo jg asik... slm :-)
woow.. dapet semua nih.. kompo.. tone.. semua cakep mas :) salam..
Suka banget sama awannya, nice view...so natural, sAlam
Kompo n tone nya cuaakeep...suka ama tone sawahnya yg ijo muda..nice
sayang gak ada bapak taninya di saung mas... klo ada kasih empat jempol hehehe....
pemandangan yg cantik mas.
viewnya bgs....
nice view ,tone mantap.Salam
keren ,compo and tone ok mas...... salam