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Fu Yung (158609)
Lokasi : Old Kenji - Surabaya, Jawa Timur rnrn rnHanya iseng bermain - main dengan picture control custom , rnpreset WB (Tungsten) dan curve WB geser ke kuning merah dikamera langsung utk efek warnanya rn rn rn rnWell I woke up early with those morning blues rnHad an aching head that I wished I could lose rnAnd I looked in the mirror, nearly died of fright rnThose morning blues, ten times worse than last night rn rnI got the morning blues rnHurt so bad rnHoney come and love me rnThey're the worst I ever had rn rnWell I've been in the army and I've been in love rnI used to fly high like a turtle dove rnAnd I've had these blues for just the longest time rnIt's just some boy on this poor girl's mind rn rnBlue morning, blue day, rnwont you see things my way rnBlue morning, cant you see, rnwhat your love has done to me rn rnYou tell me you are leaving, rnyou tell me goodbye rnYou say you might send a letter rnI need someone to make me feel better rnrnrn rnrnrnThanks by dropped in, C&C are welcomes .... thanks & GBU alls
15 tahun yang lalu
Nice color... biar surut lautnya tetap OK..
Gradasinya cantik sekali.. view yang bener2 indah. Vote tuk FPE neh. salam :)
Waw... ciamik poll.... the Maestro on the move...
tonenya menawannn :D
angel dan kompox menawan.. salut. simpel, tapi manis pak.. salut. salam hangat^_^
foto ini cakep dari segala aspek tapi dari seorang Fu Yung saya berharap lebih banyak dari ini.. (kurang bernyawa bro'.. )
sudut yg beda dari kenjie yg biasanya.. amazing. kapan deh dg sukarela mau kok diajakin hunting hehehe.. salam dari pelosok.
dahsyat banget......beautiful sunrise.........salam hangat =dozer=
ini di kenjeran lama yah ko..... mantap nih ko tone dan komponya.....salam. abdie_ft bjm
suka dengan tonalnya..........well composed oom.........mantaf..
one n komponya mantaf om...
tonasinya cakep banget....indah sekali...salam
Tonenya asyik om............mantap.........
warna asik... cool man
Komposisi, pattern, dan lightnya, maknyuuuuuuuuus
Gradasi tonenya cakep om.....Nice...Salam sejahtera
tonal yang sejuk...pagi yang hangat. sweet landscape...just luvly. salam
pagi yg indah. tone n komposisinya cantik...
cantik sekali fotonya... top semuanya deh... respek...
perfect dch pren...
cakep tone & gradasi nya bro
tone ne ciamik tenan... wis top lah... salam similikiti
Keren banget bro!.... Tonalnya dahsyat nih..... Well captured... Salam....
cantik komponya...tonalnya cakep..salam
Kerenn bro tonenya