- Imagination from the Dark Lake - - 

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- Imaginations From The Other Side -
rnWhere are these silent faces
rnI took them all
rnthey all went away
rnnow you're alone
rnto turn out every light so deep in me
rnhold on, to late
rnWill I ever see them back again
rnor did they all die by my hand
rnor where they killed
rnby the old evil ghost
rnwho had taken
rnthe ocean
rnof all my dreams
rnwhich were worth to keep
rndeep inside my heart
rnI wish I
rncould get them back
rnfrom the everflow
rnbefore they'll fade away
rnImaginations from the other side
rnfar out of nowhere
rnit got back to my mind
rnImaginations from the other side
rnfar out of nowhere
rnit got back to my mind
rnout of the dark
rnback to the light
rnthen I'll break down
rnthe walls around my heart
rnImaginations from the other side
rnWhere's the ocean's daughter
rnwas Peter Pan in Mordor
rnno one's there to keep alive
rnall these fairy tales
rnmay I return to Oz
rnwill I meet the "Tin Man"
rn"Coward Lion" where are you
rnwithout brain the scarecrow's lost
rnin the middle of the lake
rnstranded in the real world
rnleft in a world
rnno place for daydreams
rnserious life
rnI fall into
rnI fall into a dark hole
rnand I can't come out
rndo you know if Merlin did exist
rnor Frodo wore the ring
rndid Corum kill the gods
rnor where's the wonderland
rnwhich young Alice had seen
rnor was it just a dream
rnI knew the answers
rnnow they're lost for me
rnI hope there is a way back
rnwith my talisman
rnso I look into myself
rnto the days when I was just a child
rncome follow me to wonderland
rnand see the tale that never ends
rndon't fear the lion nor the witch
rnI can't come back
rnI'm lost but still I know
rnthere is another world
rnBy Blind Guardian

  • Nilai foto: 289
  • Dilihat: 279
  • Waktu upload: Jumat, 31 Jul 2009
  • Lokasi: Tsurumai Park, Nagoya, Japan
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/9.0
  • Speed: 1/160
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Nikon D70 *
  • Lensa: Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DX AF-S G II ED *
  • Filter: My Full IR Inside
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Achmad Purwanto (81060)

15 tahun yang lalu

teteep.. selalu cakep ir nya neh... refleksi maknyuss

Mufied Habibi Yuri Apriliyanto (527)

15 tahun yang lalu

sadiiiiiiis...andaikan aku bisa kejepang saya kasih jempol 5 pak...^^

 Haswa Wedhaswara (30354)

15 tahun yang lalu

cakeeeeeppppp tonalnya menggugah hasrat.. ciaaahhhhh.. btw panjang bener ket. tambahan nya... heheh salam...

 I Gede Lila Kantiana (78428)

15 tahun yang lalu

Keren banget tonal dan komposisinya..salam

 Imam Subhan (213153)

15 tahun yang lalu

Asyik bener tone n refleksinya....framing cakep....nais piyu;)

Hans Piendhy Ariawan (1738)

15 tahun yang lalu

wahh,,, nice IR.. saya suka dgn refleksinya :)

 L. Bambang Budi Prasetyo (37943)

15 tahun yang lalu

framing, refleksi & olah tonal IR-nya asyik, Om... salam

 Ade Wahyudi (8785)

15 tahun yang lalu

wow...keren banget nih foto ...nice

 Martha Suherman (57239)

15 tahun yang lalu

cantik to,tonalnya bikin suasana jadi romantiss banget...pengen pacaran lagi aahh..hahahahahha... :D

 Oktadiana Sulistrianto (5399)

15 tahun yang lalu

selalu apik IRnya.........khas banget olahanya dan menarik.....salam

 M Denica Elsa (7342)

15 tahun yang lalu

cakep banget tonal dan refleksinya..framingnya jg keren..salam

 Agus Noprianto (30178)

15 tahun yang lalu

+____ mantap suhu....suka langitnya ad pink2ya....he...he...romantis bgt gw ya..salam

 Imam Taufik Suryanegara (36065)

15 tahun yang lalu

Wah, panjang banget nich remarknya.. he..he..he ungkapan hati :) love this picture mate