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Unggul Luberizky (24842)
nar·cis·sism [nrsə sìzzəm]nn1. self-admiration: excessive self-admiration and self-centeredness n2. personality disorder: in psychiatry, a personality disorder characterized by the patient’s overestimation of his or her own appearance and abilities and an excessive need for admiration.n nIn psychoanalytic theory, emphasis is placed on the element of self-directed sexual desire in the condition. nnnnn*yang hanya membuat iri dan dengki.. piisss...
15 tahun yang lalu
great..but the other one yg disono no lebih benuansa...:)) cheers mate
kamu keliatan ;p lbh suka dgn versi berwarnanya...nuansanya jg cakep, warm gimana gituu hehehe