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Heru Setyo Ajie (21915)
Royal Pavilion is a former royal residence located in Brighton, England. It was built in the early 19th Century as a seaside retreat for the then Prince Regent. It is built in the Indo-Saracenic style prevalent in India for most of the 19th Century
15 tahun yang lalu
D700+17-35mm hasilnya aje gile !
reflectionnya bagus banget...horisonnya juga rapi..salam
amazing reflection, nice picture...salam kenal mas
nice bening man!!!... salam...
perfect reflection and composition... excellent photo.. "like this"
tajammm... refleksinya cantikkk...
apik tenan om..............
Refleksinya mantap...salut..
beh beh beh...... keren mampuz refleksinya... objecknya juga elegan dan terkesan mewah.... nice refleksi, tone, kompo... dll deh... top abizzz....
REFLEKSInya KEREEEENNNN bgttttttt......salam kenal
wuih... mak nyusss refleksinya... salam dari bukittinggi
Refleksinya mantapp....tajam banget fotonya OM...tonenya indah...nice kompo...salam dari Negeri Zamrut
Perfect Reflection Mas. Saluut.