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Fu Yung (158609)
Lokasi : Old Kenji - Surabaya, Jawa Timur rn rn rnStitching dari 4 frames vertical angle @FL 24mm , EV -3.0 rnIseng bermain - main dengan picture control custom ,preset WB dan curve WB dikamera langsung utk efek warnanya rn, rn rn rnSun is rising and shining in the sky rnThe boat is goin' on his way rnRunning along the seaside rnHe can hear the birds today rnTheir singing makes him feel alright rnLife goes on, life goes on rn rnMovement outside, silence inside rnRestless lovers spread your wings as the day begins rnLearn to love your secret life, still calm and gentle life rnYour resolution comes too fast, now the night is past rnSmiling, gliding, breathless you're riding rnLove is just a state of mind that we leave behind rn rnit's just the sun rising rnit's just the sun rising rnit's shining rnit's adorable sun rising rnrnrn rnrnrnThanks by dropped in, C&C are welcomes .... thanks & GBU alls
15 tahun yang lalu
Cantik warnanya..., salam dari Zoetermeer
nice pict.... nice tonal....nice oldig... [salam kenal...PPrazzi....]
keren... tajem mataharinya