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Fu Yung (158609)
Lokasi : Kalang Anyar - Sedati, Juanda rn rnNikon D200 V3+ OYEEE rnISO 200 , 1/100 sec @ f/11 EV+0.7 with Nikon 18-70 f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED DX @ 18mm rnStitching dari 6 frames vertical angle rn rn rnOn those pond\'s edge I walked alone, rnbearing only the name that I’d been given. rnI walked until I reached the shore, rnof the life that I’ve been living. rn rnStaring into breaking waves rnmemories of broken days rnand all the times that went away. rnReflection of life. rn rnOn that pond\'s edge I walked alone, rnstaring down at rocks below. rnI dreamed at last I was back home, rnin the company of those I’ve known. rn rnHanging on a steel beam rnseparating life from dream rnlistening to the running stream. rnReflection of life. rn rnOn those pond\'s edge I lay alone, rnmotionless and without breath. rnAnd now at last I’ve found my home, rnReflection of life. rn rn rnrn rnrnrnThanks by dropped in, C&C are welcomes .... thanks & GBU alls
15 tahun yang lalu
BWnya keren om....Nice kompo...
bw n ir nya ,.....weleh weleh,...mak nyusssss....salam
uapik boss...contrassnya juga dapet.
cakep anglenya.... BWnya asikkk...
efek mirrornya maknyussss... komponya juga asik banget nich.. salam :)
cakep om yung...ini nih moto disambi mancing..he he he
refleksinya dapet bos..... ditunggu seri kenjeran nya ;)
IR BW tone yang superb... kinclong niy... salam...
Wuih cakep mas...Pake BW IR ya?tonalnya sudah meceritakan judul fotonya..salam
item putihnya cakep bro...suka sama pohon yg berjejer
suka banget ama komponya, suka jg contras BWnya.. foto yg sempurna.. salam dr Bandung
Mantab refleksi dan BW nya..., salam dari Zoetermeer
Autostitchingnya alussss... gak keliatan sambungannya Mas Fu Yung! Refleksi pd airnya juga makin mempercantik foto ala panorama ini....
ahhh... mantap euy foto sama puisi nya...
nice view... refleksi & tone IR BW-nya manis... salam
bw yg kreatif dan menarik with IR and nice reflection