sitting, waiting, wishing
Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.

Lelly (30346)
I keep playing your part
rnBut it's not my scene
rnWant this plot to twist
rnI've had enough mystery
rnKeep building it up
rnThen shooting me down
rnBut I'm already down
rnJust wait a minute
rnJust sitting, waiting
rnJust wait a minute
rnJust sitting, waiting
rnWell if I was in your position
rnI'd put down all my ammunition
rnI'd wonder why it had taken me so long
rnBut Lord knows that I'm not you
rnand if I was I wouldn't be so cruel
rncause waitin' on love ain't so easy to do
rnMust I always be waiting, waiting on you
rnMust I always be playing, playing your fool
rnNo I can't always be waiting, waiting on you
rnI can't always be playing, playing your fool, fool
rnto them who are still waiting and wishing.... you know exactly what you wanna do...
rnwhen in no doubt, trust yourself, for GOD is always withinrn
rnPS. Thanks for the time and comments.... i really appreciate it.... have a lovely MONDAY... :D
rn[ another teddy's story ]
- Nilai foto: 235
- Dilihat: 406
- Waktu upload: Senin, 06 Apr 2009
- Lokasi: Akkarena, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Shooting Data
- Aperture: f/2.8
- Speed: 1/200
- ISO: 0
- Kamera: Canon EOS 5D *
- Lensa: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM *
- Filter: HOYA CPL
- * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar

irwansjah (7379)
15 tahun yang lalu
woooh.... cakep tuh picturenya saya suka great Job and brilliant idea. Welldone. salam kenal.

Endang Kuswindarti (129044)
15 tahun yang lalu
Beruang..lucunya.., cakeeeeep kolase dan fotonya.., salam dari Zoetermeer

Jossy Christian (42687)
15 tahun yang lalu
i dig the mood of this pic, and it's really deep.. nicely done with those words too..

Frans Gustaf Upeng (5706)
15 tahun yang lalu
si teddy kamu bawa dari sby yo? mellow....eksekusi apik....hiks..

Dedey Sugiarto (27662)
15 tahun yang lalu
selalu menarik,, selalu bercerita, soulnya dapet nih,,, salam hangat selalu

Laksana Eka Lanus (25028)
15 tahun yang lalu
the famous traveling teddy bear ! tone cakep, konsepnya matang...saLam

Abror El Suhel P.SE (14182)
15 tahun yang lalu
Idenya......ok banget...............luar biasa.................

Kuntjoro Hadi (70608)
15 tahun yang lalu
cantik sekali.. moodnya indah banget, kombinasi tone dan imutnya beruang kecil sangat menghanyutkan... tonalnya aku diajarin dong :D