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Fu Yung (158609)
Lokasi : Kenji, Surabaya rn rnNikon D200 V3+ OYEEE rn rnStitching dari 3 frame rnLet there be peace on Kenji rnAnd let it begin with me. rnLet there be peace on Kenji rnThe peace that was meant to be. rnWith God as our father rnBrothers all are we. rnLet me walk with my brother rnIn perfect harmony. rn rnLet peace begin with me rnLet this be the moment now. rnWith every step i take rnLet this be my solemn vow. rnTo take each moment rnAnd live each moment rnWith peace eternally.rnLet ther be peace on Kenji rnAnd let it begin with me. rn rnrnThanks by dropped in, C&C are welcomes .... thanks & GBU alls
15 tahun yang lalu
wah sadis..objek+BG'nya gak tahan bung!! salam.. :)
kenjeran nya nice!!!
sip om..
detail banget....nice bw om
nais bw nais piu.....nais naislah oom....salam
view & komponya enak sekali dilihat mas.....salam hangat, fhb :-)
Ruarrrr biasa..........cakep awan dan mood fotona....
sip markisip.. laut, awan, dan kapalnya berpadu dengan cantik. love it !
Gilee yeee.. Gileee.. Menunduk hormat.. Ajariiiiin dungs.. :)
Awannya cantik...olahan suhu...salam
awannya itu lho om... sedaaap...
kompo nya Super nih Yung...
Weleh... manteb bgt.. kontras hitam putihnya top betul... slm.
tenang, damai, dan menentramkan hatiku memandang fotomu ini bro... landscape yang berkarakter bw yang mantap nih !
aduhhhh......itu awan bagus bngt...keren euyyyy................ajak2 atuh kl hunting...hehehheehe
matang ....indah
cantik BW dan Viewnya cak..komponya indah...salam
indah indonesia...... gelap terang yg baik bro....nice BW
bener2 peace...bener-bener beautiful
menarik bos.. mantap bwx itu, impresif. salute.salam Pemula^_^
viewnya cantik
Serie landscape B/W nya ngegigit sekali Yung. Berkarakter. Salam
kerennn photoya oom.. ciamik komposisinya!!
Keren bener...dimensi n BW uapik...kagak nimbrung kemaren di PIK Oom...;)