Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lelly (30346)
some of them born to be messed up, some of them made to be brokenrnmost of us are ended to be hurtrnthis... is the awful truthrnrnPS. thanks... for your time and comment.... and please... don't take it personally... rna bunch of thank you.... mas Kun, Freyke, koko, DDD, Vy, Hekko, ndhit, Win, Toms, Dee, didiet and a lot more... [ which i can't mention all of them here.... ] THANK YOU for your SUPPORT! i really appreciated it.rnand to my twin niece and nephew.... love you both! :Drnrninspired by the toilet sign rn[ be smart to end "the thing" and get move on to start another ]rnwhen-LOVE-and-HATE-collide-project
15 tahun yang lalu
keren konsepnya..nice
keren abis konsepnya.........tapi nggak semua cowok loh mbak........:)
very very good !!! excelent ...
keren nih Lel... apik tenan....
konsepnya matang...LQ-HQ...isolasi BW...manstabs dah....makanya ada nyang bilang, "Lelaki hanya ingin menikmati, Wanita ingin memiliki"...tauk dah nyang bener mana...he3x
wehhhh....the ugly truth, ganti cover yah.....huehehehehe.. oke nih...mantab!!
kolase nya asiiik
yah yah yah mungkin ad benarnya juga... nice idea
ide dan konsepnya nyentrik..... yah walaupun not every man have awful LOVE like that.... salut deh
aah..mbak Lelly..kagum banget sama kreatifitasnya..konsep, ide nya selalu mengejutkan..eksekusinya juga mantap..salut..salam hangat mbak Lely..
lel, konsepmu kok yo onok ae to... sallluutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttt.........
black & white ... apik konsep'e
great idea... konsep yang penuh makna.... salam
bener2 deh..... gak ketulungan nich konsepnya.........
conceptnya selalu keren...salut...CCMMWWBB
haduw... malang benar nasip wanita... :|
cinta yang berbeda makna mbak.. id nya selalu asik ne.............salam
konsepnya matang....keren...:D
hahaha... keluar lagi ide gilanya ce :)) what's next? lady pawang hujan kah? :D
waow...konsisten dengan hitam dan putih...idenya keren Lel....ga tau kepaten obor...salud ah...enak dinikmati....
KOnsepnya mantep bener nih...filter masih dipake kok, sekarang lagi seneng main available light..hehehehe....salam tuk AM..salam dari ketintang ;)
MANTEP IDENYA.........................niceeeeeee......... ....penempatan hatinya seuai dg karakternya...........
Nice concept! Suka banget ama 'side-lighting' foto yg cewek, Ly!
ide & konsep brilian......mantap abizzzzzz...........:)salam
selalu berkonsep, selalu dapet soulnya, nice capture, nice idea... salam hangat selalu