Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
tadjoel (45414)
It's hard to get rejectednBy the one you most expected to be by your sidenYour first thought being you should run and hidenI don't think you're to blamenI'll get you on your toesnI'll dream of you while I'm asleep at nightnSo nobody will knownSo don't leave men-new found glory-nn*terima kasih untuk momen bulan purnama yang begitu indah ;)nnDate Time Original: 2009:02:12 18:46:15nISO Speed Ratings: 200
15 tahun yang lalu
mantap...releksi ok de..salam shoot
wuidiihh......keren bro........tone nya suka banget......adios makecos
kompo dan refleksinya cakep,.. salam.
Wow...nice kompo & tone, refleksinya jg mantep...Salam :)