Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lelly (30346)
Can't pretend that you're nothing specialrnYou've got to look at all of your optionsrnYou can't decide what to go forrnWhen it's all about trustrnIt's all about trustrnYou see yourself on the TVrnYou read your magazinesrnYou can't explain how it's come to be thisrnStop and think...rnWhen it's all about trustrnIt's all about trustrnyes... RED is the new BLACK.... [Funeral for a Friend]rnthanks for your time and comment... wishing you all the best.... rnHave a wonderful weekend everyone....rnPS. Thanks to you too, Ndutkuw... for... eeer.... EVERYTHING too =))
15 tahun yang lalu
love color componya...
Wah, asyik merahnya. BG-nya juga keren. Salam kenal dari jogja.
Pose+tonal okeh..... gak ngajak2 rek... :)
Nice shot.. lovely
wow mantab nih ...keren banget ...lightingnya bagus banget ...
perpaduan dua warna serta BG nya apik bener Jeng.....adios makecos
bech.....salut!!!keren tonenya,......suka banget ma fotonya
apik mbak konsepnya....pose, isolasi warna dan wardrobenya keren.......salam
tone .......................................... dan kaki panjangnya ... kusuka :)
keren banget compo, tone dan BG nya detail banget...salam
Cakep pose dan komponya,detail BGnya asyik nih............salam.
nice shot an tone....
Baju modelnya bagus Ly, oldig-nya juga! Gong Xi Fat Choi!
suka dg tonal dan side light-nya, mbak... apik rek...
sedap sekali tonalnya red and black.......
weitz!!!!!ck.....cakep x ni mabak lelly......salut....:D
cantik nih Pak, pose, model maupun hasil gorengannya... gosongnya mantep Pak. love this one. Salam dari sebelah... :)
wuuuiihhh... bagus banget deh.. salam hangat selalu
Mantap....kontras antara model dg BG...BG nya juga menarik banget tuh...salam kenal Lely..
Gong xi fat choi
merahnya keren ... kaki panjangnya juga :)
keren merahnya
wardrobe nya keren...modelnya cantik banget!
merahnya emang bener2 menonjol.. thnx to ps, i assume.. hehehe... overall, very good work!! ;)