Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lelly (30346)
Don't count the days... make the days count.rnYou can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one....rnEach day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. rnIt's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.rnLook at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. rnIt's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing,rnit's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.rnHow we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.rnPS. thanks to Ricky Siegers buat thread TIME nya.... mwah!rnthanks to Nor [my babysitter] buat yg megangin kalendernya... acara motret yg ngoyo =))rnlooks noisy? i love it that way.... :D. rnthanks for peeping again and again... have a great time guys.... xoxoxo
16 tahun yang lalu
toppppp idenya .... lelly identik dengan ide gila . .. :D
selalu hadir dengan konsep yg menawan Lel.... salut..... kalo ngitung hari biasanya yg nungguin libur ama gajian aja tuh Lel... ;)) asyik movingnya Lel.... well captured.... salam.....
speechless boeat yg ini mbak Lelly .... ojo lali ngombene Nor ;-)
kalo dari senin sampe minggu bisa gag yah nyai...??? xixixixixixixi....^^
kayak gini masih ada yg meragukan orisinalitas idemu ce... no doubt you are the best....
nice idea non.... salam
nice concept...but I prefer the date 0f 30th...gajian bo'....:))
keren ide dan konsep e...top noise bikin mood nya dapet kog
idenya itu lho...
selalu suka dengan sajian L.. dalem.. original.. :D
Cakep idenya, slow speed-nya menawan. Nice work, Ly!
idenya sangat kreatif dipadu dengan eksekusi yang handal....mantaf banget........
ide yang takterpikirkan, kreatif, oldignya juga mantap
Mendalam sekali maknanya ....
saut mba..bisa saja idenya....cakep slowspeed nya....grainy nya sengaja ditinggikan ya mba??? salam
nice idea, nice motion... nice pict... well done, salam hangat selalu
cantik... puisinya cantik...
idenya dapet aja nih ly....
Nice idea...mantap....olahannya juga Ok
do you wanna skip it.... ? yeah 13 is sometimes bad luck some people says........ btw great concept n idea... well done...
Wow...you are one of my fav fotografer...original...like the way you picture the TIME...big mwah to you too...:D
ckckckck...keren idenya
wah..wah...wah... kagum buangeeettt.