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Johannes Go (19949)
Ir Amazing myinfrared.comnwww.johannesgo.comnnnnnWhen are you comingnMy LovenFor our union?nHow longnShall your sun and moonnHide you from me?nnAt dusk and dawnnThrough agesnYour footsteps jinglenAnd the secret messengernIn your heartnAllures me to younnToday O travelernMy whole heartnIs dancing with joynAs if the time has comenAll my deeds are donenSo the wind blowsnO LordnFilled withnYour FragrancennBy Rabindranath Tagore nnnnnDate Time Original: 2008:11:13 18:32:36
15 tahun yang lalu
At dusk and dawn Through ages Your footsteps jingle And the secret messenger In your heart Allures me to you.....TOP Om Jhon!
16 tahun yang lalu
foto ir di padang pasir keren oom
apik tenannnnn yahhhh Om,.
wuih... fotonya cakeeeeep sekali.... salam,om!
S.A.D.I.S....Pak Jo emang jagonya...Happy New Year
Nice shot!!!
kompony dahsyat,keren banget om,salam hormat
perfect.. cita2 nih bisa motret moment kayak gini..
superb... om jo.... tone Irnya mantap bgt...
keren gradasi warnanya, eksekusinya juga mantap, nice.... salam..
what a superb picture om... great shot indeed... dalem bener mood nya... met taun baru 2009 om... ^_^ +may peace be upon you+
eksklusif pic ni...mantep bener
keren sekali gradasi langit, komposisi, lighting dan tonenya om johanes.. salam
wah cakep banget
i like this photo very nice.......gradasi warnanya dashyat....met tahun baru...
hebat Om Go...great shot
good compo...nice pict...
Keren..selalu asyik dinikmati....;)
Wow.. this is AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY. No more comment, PERFECT. Poetic by Rabindranath Photographed by Johannes. Cheers,..
nice pict, nice tone...rgd
Good moment... Salam
A.M.A.Z.I.N.G............salam... HAppy New Year...
Komposisi dan warnanya mantap banget..