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Lelly (30346)
what's wrong with the world, mama?rnpeople livin' like they ain't got no mamasrni think the whole world's addicted to the dramarnonly attracted to things that'll bring the traumarnrnbut, if you only have love for your own racernthen you only leave space to discriminaternand to discriminate only generates haternand when you hate then you're bound to get iraternrnpeople killin', people dyin'rnchildren hurt and hear them cryin'?rncan you practice what you preach?rnand would you turn the other cheekrnrnfather, father, father help usrnsend us some guidance from aboverncause people got me, got me questionin'rnWhere is the LOVE?rnrnBlack Eyed Peas - Where is the LOVErnrnPS. stock foto lama... mudah2an bisa dinikmati ya... dan Selamat Idul Adha 1429H. makasih yg udah mampir dan ngintip2. makasihnya dobel buat yg ngasih komen dan kritik... :D rn[bullet shot gun asli, kado imlek dr temen... ngeriin juga sih sebenernya... tp imut! :))]rnSTOP VIOLENCE!rnLOVE and PEACE
16 tahun yang lalu
hmmm..asik tonalnya mba...salut...salam
brilliant..... dan puisinya dahsyat....
Bila seseorang pernah merasakan pahitnya cinta, maka indahnya cinta sulit untuk dilupakan ... he..he... true love ..siap menerima yang baik atau sebaliknya ...ciamik Lel..salam hangat dari Hamburg, walau saat ini Hamburg lagi dingin
there's true love somewhere..
apik mbak.. suka :D , KEREN ABIS ,.
when one seek for true love they wont find it....when one seek for perfect mate they wont find it...but when they learn to love unconditionally and fill each others weaknesses, they are love
yg sedang mellow nih kyknya, yg sedang merasakan hangat2nya nih... nice still life, nice capture... nice tonal, salam hangat....
konsep dan tonenya saya suka mbak... ngena banget ^_^
konsepx asik...pemilihan tone yg yahud..!!!
TOPPPP . . . . mawuu dunks diajarinnn .... btw, knp masih dicari true lop nya ? bukannya ada disini .... :p
fire in the hole ! :D nice tone as well
Ancruuuuut.......konsep stilllife ne ga ono sing ngalahno...ampun juragan.........
salut ma idenya mba......awas kecil2 tp berbahaya... salam jepret.
great concept ................................ love ... the [ TRUE ] colors
true Love is almost not exist...only the love from GOD to his peoples is true...I will tell you if I find one OK...:-)...LOVE the idea...right to the buzzer...nice one Ly...
di mana ya?? ide dan konsep...jempolan...implementasi nya juga keren...enak di lihat...3 TU for that...(biasa yg imut itu menyimpan energi yang besar...) salam...
konseppny krenn... slamm
Tonenya mantap kali nih...idemu selalu segar..salam dari ketintang ;)
wadoh.... awas mledug nanti mbak.....
konsep dan hasil yg menarik... tp bukankah hidup ini indah??? lho kok....
keren tone dan konsepnya .....salam
bweh..... nyai... tuh peluru shotgun nyah buat saiyah ajjah nyai..... hihihihihihi^^ tetep..... cinta lagih....... bwahahahahaha.... love nerver end lah pokokna ;))
Keren banget idenya mbak...! salam dari Zoetermeer.
apik..... great idea........
nice idea.....cckckckckckc....mantap