Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lelly (30346)
i'm thinking about you againrni miss you badly and wish you were here with mernmy soul knows no rest even when i sleep,rnbecause i dream of yournand imagine how great it would be if you were here with mernwithout you, i feel like a part of my heart is missingrni'm in dire need of your tender love and passionate kissingrnif only you were here with merneveryday i try to pretend that i'm happy,rnbut it's just not truerni'm alone and blue,rnbecause you're not here with mernat night i get down on my knees and pray for brighter daysrni know that the sunshine i need is on the way,rnbecause someday you'll be here with mernbut, until that day, i'll never stop yearning for yournand wishing that you were here to stay, because i love you,rnand i want you here with mern[ this is dedicated to them who are still HOLDING ON. ]rnA sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who means a lot to yournbut in the end you found out that it was never meant or bound to bernand you just to let it go....rnlast but not least.... thank you for your time and have a beautiful sunday :)rnPS. available light dr jendela kamar... hanya itu yg bisa saya andalkan... ya... hanya itu... *tatapan menerawang*... dan... saya lemes... *kok malah curhat??!* :)). ugh iya... kenapa saya pilih bunga ini? bukannya roses, carnations, or another type of flowers? karena kata penjualnya, namanya LELLY. bukan Lily [padahal setau saya ini Lily deh... hasil ngotot yg berujung sia2... karena saya pembeli, dan dia penjual yg tau segala2nya ttg bunga *HUH*]. yah... itu "Lelly", yg sendiri... itu saja.... *lemes*
16 tahun yang lalu
Nice!...simple but very nice...! Salam kenal dr desa sebelah :)shw
Duh... duh...duuhh... ditinggal sebentar aja udah pada numpung nih galeri-nya "inspiration women" ini.... kasihan ya kembangnya.
beautiful lelly... eh lily :) lagi PMS mbak? my prayer....
keterangan-nya gak nguati ce'... opo'o se... btw foto-nya keren!!!
aachhh lensanyaaaaa . . . idenya, laitingnya .... TOPPP . . . ajarin dunkssssssss
mmm kritik sitik...bg putih nya byk bidang yg terlalu kosong..kasi kata2 atau apa gitu apik ..itu mnt aku seh...he he
nice DOF, nice tonal,, suka dg yg seperti ini sedikit under saturasi tp tetep Ok... salam hangat selalu....
oh iku LELLY ta, lho lak podo ama nama yg motret.....
kayaknya lelly banget ya.....pink pink.......asik konsepnya...salam hangat
keren Lel... nice still life... selalu hadir dengan ide dan konsep yg menawan.... salut..... dengan keterangan yg panjang lebar ya Lel...;)) salam..........
apik ce.. bunga diatas bantal... bukan lg daun diatas bantal... hahhaha.. salam HSy
... if
Sajiannya selalu manis dipandang, nice still life photo, Salam.
Makro yg cakep ........
soft banget..... perasaan dah dari kemaren" mau beli bunga buat di photo kok aplotnya baru sekarang ;))
Cantik sekali Ly's....keren soft dan coloringnya...salam
simple dan menawan..............ilove flower...........salam...........
so beautiful.....................................
Ini foto bercerita nich..dituangkan dalam suatu konsep yang indah...salut Mbak
fotonya selalu tampil beda. prima sekali bw pict nya.....
deep..banget...bercerita Ly...
lovely flower & nice soft tone......keterangan tambahannya : "so touchy.........." regards/gg
Kalem banget bunganya,...aku suka tuh,...
nice pict.........