Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lelly (30346)
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in othersfor beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. rnPS. i have struggled with bad internet connection for 2 days. couldnt do anything *sigh*. sure thing... it was annoying! thank GOD, it's friday! *hubungannya apa coba??! ntah lah :)). nice to meet you all here again :D. have a beautiful weekend.... xoxoxo [ugh, iya, pasti bertanya2... apakah itu yg digigit?? coklat pocky rasa strawberry!!! kenyang2 deh makan 2 kotak gitu ya Din :p]
16 tahun yang lalu
ada aja idenya....salut Sis...suka ama pori-porinya yang halus, looks natural, and nice teeth too...mmmm...nice lips...
So sexy...bibir siapa tuh? ha..ha...salam/gg
aow...... aow...... nyai mah idenyah ada" ajjah padahal aku jugah pernah poto kayak gini nyai..... ;))
halussss...salut ama usahanya...salam
wew..nice pic mba..salut idenya...bening merahnya....salam
Wah,...bibir E sopo yo iki? Sensual banget.
cakep kak... merah banget neh.. salam.
toppp ... tone dan focusnya ajibbbbbbb mbakeeee
wew...bir sex..tuajem puol skin tone e apik ...
sensual.... salam
Wes...wes...wes... gak iso komen mane.... cuman iso melongo..... juara dah.
merahnya itu... nice captured... detail...salam
walk with the knowledge that you are never alone .... salut dg konsep & eksekusinya mbak Lelly ............ bisa "merekah" gichu ya ;-)
Pemilihan bibir yg tepat utk diekspos. Ide yg brilian untuk tema lomba foto bulanan ini. Salam...
heeeeemmmmmmmmmm...merahnya itu lho....merekah buuuuuuuaaaanget.......nice idea mbak...tajem banget..mpe detailnya dapet...salam hangat
Cakep bibir mer nya..bibr siapa ya Mbak..salut dech
beautifully taken..I can hear my heart thumping in rhythmic when seeing this, well done
duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...sapa neh Lys....hehehehehe...mantap banget...idenya keren...salam
woooooh ini bener cik biutifulee.... settingnya cakep, skin tone mantap, skin texture terlihat jelas dan halus, lightingnya luar biasa.... superb Ly
emang jagoan kalo moto konsep..... always great
seksi Lel.... gak tahan ngeliat nya...
Lucky ... POCKY rasa strawberry...
mmmm...sangat menggoda..