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Yopie Pangkey (11818)
You, Yes You, Stand Still Laddie!nnWhen we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers who would hurt the children anyway they couldnby pouring their derision upon anything we didnexposing any weakness however carefully hidden by the kids.nnOut in the middle of nowhere they were home at nightntheir fat and psychopathic wivesnWould thrash them within inches of their lives!n(Another bricks in the wall - Pink Floyd)nn------nLagi berlibur dg teman2 satu kantor, sehabis snorkeling n sebelum basuh badan, ga ada salahnya para teman berpose sebentar di bawah lampu dermaga ditemani sinar rembulan.
16 tahun yang lalu
keren bro konsepnya
wah, konsep ama ide keren bro, the evolution theory, nice shot thx for sharing it!
Great Concept... SALAM
kreatif abis ni orang...suka ama ide gila nya,,,aku tunggu upload yg lain ide gila nya salam
hehehehe...idenya mantappppppph...salam
good ideea.. lucu..
hehehe.. u rise me up... atau tidak teori evolusi niy..wakakka asik ide nya..
nana saja hai adoe... hayeu konsep jih... slaeum..aneuknanggroe...
konsep nya cakep mas..keren
lucu uy kirain satu orang..bagus....
lucu.... salam...
konsepnya lucu...kaya evolution....gmna klo celananya kompakan semua? salam jepret....
Konsepnya cool.... hohoho asik asik... ^_^
Ide dan konsepnya kreatif Om..>> Nice shot.>>> Salam.. :)
posenya bagus.. suka banget ama langit hijaunya (pink floyd nya juga kerennn.. WE DON'T NEED NO EDUCATION..!..) salam
bagus, lucuu.... idenya diadopsi dari evolusi yaa mas.. salam dari manado,, tetap motret..
..cakep mas..konsep ok
Menarik konsepnya.....
sangat menarik... hahahaha! salam.
creative bgt..... keren bro...
so creative...
bagus mas konsep dan idenya
konsepnya yang menarik nih hahahaha keren brather terapan teorinya charles darwin??? salam jepret dari jogja
nice concept .. suka juga ama detilnya .. salam
wah idenya cakep kawan................salam................