Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rolland Claudio (43657)
Since I met you… my whole life has changed..nnIt’s not just my place you’ve bit decorated…nnBut it is my heart you have changed.. it is my heart you have repainted.. nnNow I can’t change it back… nnYou said you were mine completely….nnYou gave your love so sweetly…nnIs this an ever lasting treasure?nnOr just .. a moment of pleasure?nnHow I wish I could believe the magic of your love…nnHow I wish my heart not broken … when the night meets the morning sun…nnI wonder…nnWill you still love me tomorrow …
16 tahun yang lalu
yes .. she will love you forever bro .... keyennnnn
moodnya dapat sekali bro.........still craving for love.....? :)
karyamu mmg selalu unik dalam angle, tone & konsep. slalu salut kak. :D
Kapan bisa moto kayak gini ya.. *hikz*..
light dan tone nya apik
suka tonenya brooo
lighting n tone yg ok bngt.,.,.ditambah lagi modelnya yg cantik,..,.,.
wih,, kalimatnya.. dalem bgt,, apa lg buat saya yg bis patah hati gini.. :D lightingnya cakep bgt,, salute,,
Back lighting nya agak keras, tapi skin tone masih ok, keren
aduuh...keren bgt deeh...salam bara
cakep fotonya, tonenya mantab
cakep tone nya..salam.
tone, color, komposisi dan model cantiiikkk........
cantik, cantikkkkk....
Dah punya ciri tone dan style sendiri ya Kak .... cool, ajak2 dan ajaring dong kalo hunting ;)
kata yg sgt puitis hehehhe
kompo asik banget!! dofnya edun... cantik!
muyus muyus bro
Ngak tahan ama puisinya deh... romantis abis.....nice capture....salam.....
Bos... Bos... SipZ!!!
Agak bingung dgn pemilihan anglenya tapi olahannya oke....
asrtistic but komposisinya bgmn ya...hmm
bro....tonal nya tetap deh iiih. Suka
Cantik....warna & anglenya keren....salam