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Rolland Claudio (43657)
You've got a way with me nYou got me to believe in everything that I could be nYou’ve got me pray.. every day and nite..nnHow could I know I have fallen this deep…nI can’t believe the way you get through to me ..nIt’s in the way you hold me…nIt’s in the way we made love…nnAnd You get me smiling even when it hurtsnNow.. I find myself alone again..nThe darkness brings me pain..nnHoping you will return..nIn Winter…
16 tahun yang lalu
ini yg di bandung yah bro...keren euy....:D
dahsyaaat ... suka bgt sama tonenya om
suka ma ekspresi modelnya oom..tone nya mantab sangat..salam
tonenya mantap...fokusing oke...
keren abies tonenya ............. manteppp
selalu menakjubkan............gak jadi tennis brow? -salam gang bang-
Olahannya SUPEEEERB Bro.>>> Sukaaaaaa... :)
super tone