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Eva Tobing, IPEY (76002)
rnsometimes you don't find the right linesrn'coz you're trying too hard, too hard to hear themrnbut you know what it feels likern'coz you're like mernand you won't give uprn(All Time Love - Will Young)rn-------rnsebuah desa di balik pegunungan Alpen, Salzburg, Austria, mengingatkan aku pada film Brokeback Mountain :-). Ini adalah oleh² hasil nemenin rekan² Anteve shooting di kastil Salzburg, awal Maret lalu. Maaf agak pixellete, terpaksa turunkan kualitas poto sampai ke 4 utk penuhi quote upload di FN. a tribute to my best buddy - Arfant - and the all team worker... thanks for the opportunity!
16 tahun yang lalu
x x x x x :) asik Mbak Ipey :)