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Pratanda N Respati (22439)
friendship that insistsrnupon agreementrnon all mattersrnis not worth the name.rnfriendship to be realrnmust ever sustainrnthe weight of honest differences,rnhowever sharp they berngandhi, 1927rnWhen dreaming I'm guided through another world rnTime and time again rnAt sunrise I fight to stay asleep rn'Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place rn'Cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape rnFrom the life I live when I'm awake rnSo let's go there rnLet's make our escape rnCome on, let's go there rnLet's ask can we stay? rnCan you take me higher? rnTo the place where blind men see rnCan you take me higher? rnTo the place with golden streets rnAlthough I would like our world to change rnIt helps me to appreciate rnThose nights and those dreams rnBut, my friend, I'd sacrifice all those nights rnIf I could make the Earth and my dreams the same rnThe only difference is rnTo let love replace all our hate rnSo let's go there rnLet's make our escape rnCome on, let's go there rnLet's ask can we stay? rnUp high I feel like I'm alive for the very first time rnUp high I'm strong enough to take these dreams rnAnd make them mine-creed
17 tahun yang lalu
wah kompo mantrab bang...BW sedap -salam,del-
suka banget ma kompo-nya. :)
...asik nih...jagoan kompo...........keterangane wuakeh men,,..salam,
waawww... cakep kompo & anglenya kang!!! iki sopo tho.. kok kayak e pernah ngerti ik? sukses yah ^_^
Cakep abis Komposisinya........Anglenya dahsyat
inget gandhi inget damainya. ya. perubahan dengan perdamain. indah emang. puisinya mengena. dan fotonya emang minimalis yang indah. masih dengan ruang kosong yang enak, untuk merenung dan berfikir. salam damai.
buat tone dan komposisinya mantaaap ! salam
waw..modelnya sapa tuh...kayanya familiar deh...hmm..... :)
suka dengan bidang putihnya mbak
liat ini nanti Ayu nangis terseguk seguk lagi seraya meminta penjelasan...
konsep n anglenya keren Bung...salam salut
kereeen n muantaaaaaap,..............................salam
jian, angel tenan meh ngomong opo.... pokok e uapik dech..... (awas bo, ade lekoooong...... ;p)
asyik komposisi dan B/W-nya.....keren....salam
keren sekali konsep''e kangmas.......................salute deh.............aplaus n salam
kapan2 aku ikutan T3 aja deh..(Tondo Tour&Travel) hehehe..
kompo ama tonenya mantap nehhhhhhhhhhh...TOP! ^0^v
simple picture with a deep meaning..... luar biasa nih mas.... salam dari manado
wah puisi mu itu loh..secakep komponya...ato orang nya...hehehehehehehe...:P
capa tuhh?? komponya cakep, mas tondo. Puisimu... arghh!! Really glad to see you in Jogja.. sayang sekali kita cuma bisa ketemu 1 malam ya.. 1 malam yg sangat berkesan bersamamu dan yg lain :) hope to see you again soon.. -salam hangat dr magelang, ipey
Suka compona nich...angle n BW siipp
keren konsepnya ... keren komponya ...
suami tercinta yah 8->
Handal banget gitu....maknyooooosss