Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Maria Alexandra (79115)
Watch my life pass me bynin the review mirrornPictures frozen in timenare becoming clearernI don't wanna waste another day stuck in the nshadow of my mistakesnnnWhat's Left of Me - Nick Lachey
17 tahun yang lalu
ah sendunya.....
cakep banget eksekusinya..... sedaaaaaaaaaaap.... salam
BW nya itu loh mbak.....cakeeeep
komposisi mantabph.... lautnya soft2 gimanaaa gitu..... kerennnn... salam....
wow.... setuju prt, namun tetap cantik tanpa kerang... kompo dan tonenya kerenn.... salut
Silence Is Easy Everybody says that they're looking for a shelter Got a lot to give But I don't know how to help her I should just let it go 'Til they learn how to grow And how to liberate Everybody says that she's looking for a shelter Got a lot to give But I don't know how I felt her They should just let it go Till these cities learn to grow And how to liberate Silence is easy It just becomes me You don't even know me You all lie about me Everybody says that I'm looking for a home now Looking for a boy or I'm looking for a girl now But I can still let it go I can still learn to grow Into a child again Silence is easy It just becomes me You don't even know me But why lie about me? Silence is easy It just becomes me You don't even know me Why do you hate me? Silence is easy It just becomes me You don't even know me You all lie about me Silence is easy It just becomes me You don't even know me You all lie about me star sailor
...semoga dg flash baru fotomu semakin bersinar... :) selamat...
Very well executed. Luv the BnW
nice BW... terasa soft sekali... nice kompo... nice shot salam^^
..cuma satu kata...muantapppppp......salam.
Great BW mbak...very2x Silent and full story
bewe nya lembuttt, kesan silentnya tertangkap
nice tone and compo........bravo
coba kampret suruh tiduran di bawah hahahaha...
wah fotonhya membuat saya kagum kakak, indah sekali dipandang mata.
viwe dan komposisi bwnya mantab.......salam kenal
Komposisinya menarik sekali, tone yang indah, tajam. ......Thank's for sharing good job.........salam...
cakep bw na
Nice composition...great shot...soft BW....sip...salam dari Bali...:)
...my that is beautiful... kapan ya gw bisa moto begini gitu kek.. hiks keren banget mbak. salam
mantap sekale...tajam n jernih BW nya pattern komponya yahud lg........... s@L@m
cakep banget kompo & BW.imho,mgkn lebih sip kalo rada naik atau maju, spy bawah tdk terliat kosong.salam.:)
bagus bu komponya...moody banget deh ... kalau saya akan milih naikkan kontrastnya.. biar jejak yang didepan ini semakin menonjol :)
Mantap anglenya...componya jg ok...Nice BW...contrasnya serasi...salam