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Pratanda N Respati (22439)
who am I?nnI have no strengthnsave what God gives me.nnI have no authoritynover my countrymennsave the pure moralnnif He holds mento be a pure instrumentnfor the spread of non-violencenin place of the awful violencennow ruling the earth.nn n Gandhi,1937
17 tahun yang lalu
boleh juga idenya nih... nice konsep... salam.....
konsepnya keren banget....salam :D
konsepnya bagus juga,,, filternya keren...Salam Kenal
gosh, a deeply thought of inner sane in humans... lovely photo!
....keren banget....konsep , eksekusi ...tob
konsepnya asik...nice shot...salam kenal
Kamu, Vasudeva Krishna...
Nice Concept, maknanya daleeem bgt niy mas..
very well concepted bro...........
simple tapi nggigit .. salute for the idea .. salam
kemana aja toh mbo...calon fpe lagi dong ...:D
Woow..keren konsepnya....salueett!!!..slm