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No! It's around the corner.rnShot with Pentax 6x7 II Planar 2.8:80. Film: Fuji 6x7 asa 100. Exposure -1 ***rnCheck out more pictures and story of Raja Ampat in "Jalan Jalan" magazine, May-June edition***If you are concerned about global warming, click the link on the email below to sign a petition.rnThis is not a major “revolution” but we need to act as much as possible otherwise such beauty will disappear from our planet http://www.avaaz.org/en/climate_g8/e.php
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17 tahun yang lalu
Nice capture, cuma kurang suka dengan blur yg di semak2 bagian kiri
Angle-nya cantik !
Sempet ga percaya kalo di Papua tuh...heheheh....kombinasi yang bagus...nice spot, nice pict....salam Jepret from NewBie
Papua view nya cantik sekali. White beach, and blue sky, perfect combination.
nice view dgn tone natural...salam jepret
pemandangan yang indah.....great...salam kenal