Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Janette J. D. Najoan (28563)
New gear syndrome...nFirst homework from my teacher...nFirst night hunting...nFirst upload...nnDedicated to my teacher also my brother Alex Juniarsam.nnCara ngambilnya:nUsing tripodnStand up on the chairnCellphone on the left hand, nCall my teacher how to set n' using the new gear and then... njepret... jepret... jepret...nnIni view gedung perkantoran Kuningan dan Sudirman di malam hari diambil dari Balcon lt. 4 Flat Bidaracina.nnWB Tungsten.nnWelcome for any comment...nnDate Time Original: 2007:03:06 21:39:01nISO Speed Ratings: 100
17 tahun yang lalu
waaah camera baru hasilnya keren mba, ga heran lah soalnya gurunya mas Alex sih :) nice night shot...
Congrats with your new gear.......nice first uploaded photo coming out of that gear....horizon was slightly tilted to left, wasn't it?
agak grainy bu :D
Selamat yach J... new gearnya hehehe... tonalnya bagus... didepan sedikit gelap... naikkan dikit anglenya... btw nice ctyscape anyway... buku manualnya jangan dibawa tidur terus :D
keren foto malamnya Boss...pake 30 detik aja masih gelap bangged yaaaa. salut Boss buiat jepretannya. salam fotografia sipendatangbaru
wow the maiden picture of your new Canon. Congrats! good view and very crisp capture... looking forward for more pictures...cheers.