Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Subhekchya Sharma (1191)
please comment in english....thanks a bunch
18 tahun yang lalu
Siluet nya asik
good idea, great captured, cool tone and nice ligthing..
nice tone! keren bgt.. lucu jg fotografernya ampe nari2 bgtu.. huehehe.. *salam knal pakk!
I really like this picture...Gutt ide...super
i like the way you play with the angle & light
sippppp deh ... momentnya pas banget .. angle juga , tonalnya suka deh .. salam
great2 pic, i like the tone and compo
the color effect that you choose is a good one.i've already seen the place in one of michael's photo, but how you add the unique acting person at that bridge is another good idea of you
love the dramatic orange color..what an unusual photographer that u captured there :) nice one..
mantap siluetnya...keren banget ..salam..
Cool.... keren siluetnya.... tone warnanya juga bagus banget... salam
very good silhouette!!! salah nulis kagak ya?? nice compo sir!!!
Momennya tapat....warnanya bagus....mantap...salam
tonenya , siluetnya , moemntanya asik bgt... keren bgt!!! vote for FPE salam hsg+
Nice work!!! well taken...I like the composition a lot
nice view, and a good moment! great shot bro...!
It's gorgeous! And this picture is no exception. I love the red, the deep colors.... rgds
hehehe...apik komposisinya...siluetnya juga cakep...nice shot!
dramatic moment, low angle made perspective ... warm tone, good natural ligthing, keep upload
sip....warnanya dan komponya...salam kenal
Were you really using Canon Powershot A520? You must be a good talented photographer... :D
WoWW....... nice tone, great picture