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Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture was taken as learning point of composing night scenery picture using tripod. I'm quite lucky that I still got a view of HK from The Peak with a blue sky before night captured in the picture, although it was a hazy and foggy day. Of course it is still no near to be a good picture and still needs a lot of improvement to be done. Comments, corrections and suggestions from FNers are most welcome and highly appreciated...manythanks...bukitnnDate Time Original: 2007:01:01 18:24:43nISO Speed Ratings: 400
18 tahun yang lalu
Bagus kok mas night landscapenya, mmg sayang kabutnya agak tebal terutama di bagian belakang, but gini dah ok kok! Salam!
Wow... SUPERB..!! high angle, compo and lighting, plus the tone are all blend as one excellent image.... bravo !!
nice view... suka kompo, angle, dan tone-nya.... -fs-
wow,,view nya keren abizz....tone nya cakep...salam jepret
View-nya bagus mas Bukit,..jam segitu favorit saya buat shoot lampu dan langitnya,..dua2nya dapet,...Well Done !!
siang Bang Bukit....komposisi dari anggle yang baik menjadikan foto malam ini sangat komunikatif, good JoBoss...salam fotografia sipendatangbaru
Wah keren abis nich viewnya. salam
It's an awesome view, but the image is a bit blurry, and the noise is a bit unpleasant, noticable in the sky, probably to much over exposure. -IMHO
what a nice view and dramatic shot..!!! great job..bro..salam
wahhh kapan bisa ke Hongkong ya ... viewnya keren-keren deh ...
wuihh.. keren banget view nya, good angle & night shot.......
good landscape 'n night shot....keren banget, oom.
Komposisi & angle nya cantik, Mas. Setuju dgn Mas Handrij, kalau pakai f kecil (f/16 atau f/18) akan lebih menarik lagi. Salam.
keren nih nightshootnya mantap bro
cakep viewnya, cuma terasa agak foggy ya, klo lebih kontras kayaknya lebih sip, btw kok gak pake bukaan kecil aja biar tajemnya maksimal? imho,.... salam salut, =)
Sangar Viewnya... Surely you need a tighter aperture to get better sharpness of the whole image... Set it down to f/6 or more, I would assume f/7 or f/8 is the best for this shot... Surely always bring a tripod when u going to do a night shot brother...
well.. view of night city-nya cantiiiiiiiiiik sekali... salam
nightshootnya cantik .. detailnya rapi , tone colornya apik pula .. anglenya pas ... salam
loved this one neh...kayak yg di kartu kartu pos...tapi ada versi yg lebih malam lagi gak neh pak? langitnya agak nanggung.........ini dari mana neh viewnya ... ntar mana tau ada kesana biar jalan2
Nightshoot yang menarik. Salam.--
Great night shot bro....
wow nice landscape , nice view & great angle salam
fantastik nich boss...suka sekali dengan detail lampunya....salam
YES...!!! perfect nightshot !!