Banded Sea Snake... 

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Banded Sea Snake (Laticauda colubrina) are highly venomous marine reptiles inhabiting the warm tropical waters of the world. Sea Snakes have developed anatomical features streamlined for adaptation to an aquatic environment. Evolutionary marvels living at sea, Sea Snakes must still surface to breath air unlike eels, underwater neighbors who share the same habitat, like the moray eel, who have gills for absorbing oxygen and are absent of any scales. Banded Sea Snakes evolved from land species into aquatic reptiles having smooth-scaled bodies easy to recognize in shades of light blue with black bands. Excellent swimmers and divers, there are over 70 species of Sea Snakes making them one of the most plentiful and widely disbursed family of poisonous reptiles in the world.............. from 5 meter depth at Tawara Point-Bunaken, be pleasure to enjoy it !
rn*Katanya sich sekali patuk 'bisa' nya 9 kali COBRA, blum pernah coba sich.. mungkin ada yang mau voulenteer hehehe.. special buat boss ALFEND yang selalu maksa untuk upload foto ini (bersedia jadi voulenter kan hahahaha).
rnCamera Model Name Canon IXY DIGITAL 800 IS
rnShooting Date/Time 10/29/2006 5:46:23 PM
rnShooting Mode Underwater
rnFocal Length 5.8 mm
rnImage Size 2112x2816 (resized ONLY)
rnMoment kayak ini pernah saya jepret dulu tahun 2000 waktu masih pake Sea n Sea manual Camera... hampir satu jam di bawah air kucing-kucingan ama doi n syukur bisa dapat lagi kayak ini, ga bisa terlalu frezz karena si Doi renangnya cepat keatas untuk ambil oksigen dan baliknya juga cepat.. awasssssssssss !
rnCritics n Comments are Always Welcome....................................Th@nx !

  • Nilai foto: 457
  • Dilihat: 833
  • Waktu upload: Minggu, 18 Feb 2007
  • Lokasi: Taman Nasional Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia
NatureBawah Air
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/2.8
  • Speed: 1/50
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon Digital IXUS 800 IS *
  • Lensa: Built-in / Standard *
  • Filter: Canon Waterproof Case WP-DC5 40m
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar

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 Simon Abdurrahman (24794)

18 tahun yang lalu

Nice moment....cakep Om Daud...salam !!!