Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture was a learning point in making "sandwich composition" and "inner radial view" at the same time. Please apologize on the untidy digital modification made to the picture, i realized it is still far from sufficient. Comments, critics, corrections and suggestion from FNers are most welcome and appreciated...manythanks...bukitrnrnMy Wife Eye Picture Technical DatarnLokasi: Wanchai, Hong Kong rnKamera: Canon EOS 30DrnLensa: canon 50 mm 1.8 IIrnFilm: Digital ISO 200rnFilter: Hoya Pro1 Digital MC PL-CrnKecepatan: 1/6rnDiafragma: f/1.8rnDate Time Original: 2007:01:22 13:33:47rnISO Speed Ratings: 200 rnrnInner Radial Hong Kong View Technical DatarnLokasi: Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong rnKamera: Canon EOS 30DrnLensa: Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USMrnFilm: Digital ISO 100rnFilter: Hoya HMC 77mm UV(N)rnKecepatan: BrnDiafragma: f/22.0rnDate Time Original: 2006:12:14 21:43:18rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
18 tahun yang lalu
Nice oldig, crop yang ketat bikin foto tambah sip. Salam:)
great idea..... selamat yach jadi fpe
Nice digital imaging. Smooth, looks natural. Best regards from Indonesia.
how come the xity can be fit into the eyes,how did u do tat? genius idea and great photo.......
konseptual banget,keren penuh makna,slm kenal juga dr malang,jgn lupa mampir ya kl hunting ke jawa timur
nyaingin ring flashnya ndarwis nih
gimana sih caranya bikin inner radial view? asik juga nih fotonya :)
Wah mantaf bro..menakjumbkan kombinasi macro & oldig.Hebat n Salute!
saya paling suka foto mata begini... salam
mantab !!
idenya asik, sayang rada soft. kalo pola pupilnya juga rada keliatan jadinya gimana ya? selamat ya, idenya emang pantes dapet FPE :) :oline:
bisa aja dapat ide beginian...............keren nih, selamat FPE ;) salam.
ide nya bagus sekali, foto nya tajem, color tone nya bagus..from eyes..every corner of the city captured...he3x..salam....
keren banget...... idenya brilian..... salam
Nice oldig! Kreatif juga nih.
Superb, you're very creatif. Nice idea. Salam
Excellent idea! Oldignya cakep sekali. Salam.
nice editing ... ! ! ! great eye reflection . salam
wuuuui konsep olahannnya yang original...mantaaav sekali
Nice oldig, pas banget sama judulnya, halus bener olahannya... cakep deh pokoknya om, great job... salam hangat dari sahara
wow keren olahannya jadi inget multiply hehehe
cantik banget mas...kreatif...salam
wow sangat manis mas oldignya keren.... salam knal jg.....
kreatif banget.....eksekusinya mantap
Nice picture.. nice oldig..