Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
The baby in the picture is our new born daughter, Kayla. Thanks for all the support FNers, our (me and my wife) dream is now become true. This picture was taken as learning point to captured expression on baby (which was very difficult) and delivered it in Hi-Q and dreamy composition. I'm sure it's not perfect and i will continue learning to composed a good picture. Comments, critics, corrections and suggestions from FNers are most welcome and highly appreciated...manythanks...bukit rnrnrnDate Time Original: 2007:01:16 21:16:28rnISO Speed Ratings: 1600
18 tahun yang lalu
Congrats for Your New Baby...
Waahh... Selamet ya Boss! Senangnyaaa... Ada mainan baru nih kayanya... Taruhan, 10 Foto kedepan, pasti objectnya Kayla semua :)) Salam buat Kayla dan Mamanya juga ya :)
Selamat atas kelahiran putri-y om...nice shoot, salam
lucu bayi nya.........bakal jd model bapakna terus niey.........!!!salam
"Selamat atas kelahiran Kayla-nya" moga cepat besar... nice moment... warnanya juga cakep, kalo kayla udah besar... pasti suka, atau dia juga hobi fotografi kaya bapaknya... :) nice jepret om, salam