Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
Still trying to learn to captured night shot lights in proper way using slow speed shutter and tripod. I'm sure it's still far away from fair picture, but i take this as my learning curve in photography. Of course critics, comments, corrections and suggestions from FNers are most welcome and highly appreciated...manythanks and salam FN...bukitrnrnDate Time Original: 2006:12:14 20:27:02rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
18 tahun yang lalu
keren nih night shotnya. salam.
nice angle...slow speed-nya terasa...detil terekam bagus...salam
Busyet...nightshot mantappp...kayak foto HDR mas Bukit.....cantik view nya.......salam
Kaya siang aja jadinya.....
Nice shot om... indah pokoknya, salam
saya suka slow speed effectnya om...keren anglenya pula...salam
suka sama starnyah pakkk.....
nice slow speed photo mas, tone unik n angle diambil dijembatan penyeberangan yo, sayang daun2 pohon agak shake, mungkin tertiup angin, salam
Wak, Teknik tinggi nih, Ajarin dong :)
cakep bos bulbnya....tapi misalnya gak pake bulb misalnya 5 detik aja gitu aku rasa sih masih ok....tapi it's always nice to see a night shot photo especially big city lights photo....
cantik nih slowspeednya,pemilihan angle yang baik...salam
cakep banget dah.. star sama komposisinya pas boo'.. salam..
Beautiful night view and good topic . ........salam
bagus night shootnya...keren!!!komponya juga mantap..
wow... slow speednya cakep... good exposure.
Waw... amazing... Foto perkotaannya ganas booow... Starnya ngeri... :D
Asyik yah maen di sky cross, I like it too. Nice slow shot. nice pict.
Nice bulb... it's a great ones. Peace.
Foto nite shot yang cantik.. suka dengan star efek dan nite trailsnya nih mas.. sedikit shake diujung ato emang akibt resize yah mas ? well done..
perspektifnya apik. efek star nya juga cakep. salam, e
wowwwwwwwww.....asyik bangettttt...kerennnnnn...sALAM ^0^v
Nice nightshot....foto-y dari skywalk ya? salam
hong kong the city that never sleep... so fast! so urban! so dynamic! all are in this pic...salute Pak Bukit... (you call me Pak first he..3x :D..)
nightshotnya cakep sekali.....................salam.
Perspektifnya apik. Jadi, aku terpesona lihat yang ini. Lampu-lampu kendaraannya jelas berseliweran di kanan-kiri jalanan. Foto kota diwaktu malam yang tak pernah berhasil kulakukan, selalu blur.