Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
David Leo (6510)
Took this pict in jurong bird park. I was at the right moment when this bird jumped into the pond. Since the lighting condition is even. I used matrix meterting for the exposure reading. PS only for framing, resizing and USMdihapus oleh David Leo (15544) dari IP
18 tahun yang lalu
awesomeeeeeeee... The next Best-In-Town Photographer. So talented.
POI nya cantik sekali. Exposure & momentnya tepat. Komposisi & anglenya jempolan. Tonenya keren. Salut always Bro.
Darn lovely creature! The half spanned wings and details of the feathers are great; natural and stunningly beautiful. Great shot. Salam,
sharp!! nice captured, maybe it would look even better if the BG colour (specially behind bird's head) is darker. Imho. Thanks for sharing
oh god!!! i also tried to take the depth in motion object, a bird for example... but it sho hard to find the freeze effect... great capture!!!
fiuuh...great capture...cheers
set tajam abissssssssssssssssss...timingnya tepat...tonalnya poll...salut...salam
tajemm...jd naksir nih lensa... -_-"
This is a crowned crane. Well captured. Great sharpness, very fine details of the feathers, neat image. Great shot.
Momentnya pas. Anda menekan shutter beberapa saat setelah kaki burung menginjak air, masih terlihat gelombang air yang baru terbentuk. Foto burung yang tajam detailnya, dan menarik komposisinya. Lightingnya mantap!
great moment mas. salut! berhasil ambil di waktu yg sangat tepat.. gambarnya pun jernih banget. -salam.
cakep hebat gambarnya..moga bertambah baik lagi.slm kenal
Woww...tajem n clean sekali...great job! salam
Beruntung sekali saya dapat melihat foto ini, sungguh indah....
jeli bgt, cakep benar tuh burung ada jambul di kepala...so sharp dan detail bgt as usual, metering method usingnya mantap "boh than thau" lagi om David..perfect moment captured...cheers.
superb! FG, BG dan timing, snap yg jitu....amizing hunter...he3x...
Great shoot bro.... very sharp, like the composition
nice composistion, good freezzing moment. Sharp and clean, I like the colour and tone. cheers.
woowww.... Cakep banget bro, tajem, detail, freezeee... dst, pokoknya semua deh. Vote for FPE.
freezingnya ok sekali kak...objek menarik.........
bening dan tajam....fotonya cantik...salam selalu
objeknya tajam, tonenya bagus......fotonya bagus banget vid.
detail, jernih dan tajem... luar biasa....
sharp n very good moment n pose..nice pic...
Cakep foto burungnya. Tapi BGnya kurang mendukung dan moment 'landing'-nya kurang nampak. IMHO lho....