Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
David Leo (6510)
I took this pict in a amusement park at Kemah Houston Texas. I used 1/4 speed with no flash to capture the movement and maintain the orginal tone. Hope ypu like it and enjoy. Ps only resizing, framing and usmdihapus oleh David Leo (14778) dari IP
18 tahun yang lalu
nice catch.. angle n tone asik salam dari Mongolia
Nice angle, nice compo. Salute for your capture. Rgrds.
bening dan tajam,... kompo dan anglenya berani abieess.. congratz!
waaww...keren abis bro...komposisinya juga keren..
keilangan kata2 nih,, keren banget sih,,, nice job!
komponya keren....
Like the angle and slow speed choice, the cropping empashized "how bug" this wheel...
Keren banget Pak ! happy new year 2007
nice angle, great lighting, nice pict
please teach me how to do this... great shot... warm regards -diwa-
Cantik slow speednya.. Hasilnya tajam dan anglenya menarik.. Great Shot... Regards...
Slow shutter speed bikin efek geraknya menarik. Tone dan komposisinya menarik. Hebat nih FPE terus .... ajarin dong. Salam
asik om..cahayanya tertangkap dengan bagus sekali..asik nih fotonya...salam
Very very great capture... Anglenya asik sekali... Speednya pas... Nuansanya tertangkap dengan baik... Lighting ok...
nice angle and nice slow speed shutter....happy new year...
cakep sekali mas....met taon baru yach...semangat baru...met FPE juga...salam
Excellent pictureeeeeee.......nice job Mr.David!! Greets ^0^
dahsyattttttt love the focus and motion at the same time... composition also great...
beautiful low angle composition...so sharp...so colourful...only with f/3.5? wow...nice nightshot and nice to meet you...regards...
keren tuh focusing pointnya...love the movement of the ferris wheel...efek slow speednya cakep dan hasil jepretan tetap tajam dan glowing...cheers.
well.. very nice angle and capturing... rgds
Ceillleee... slow speed dan sudut bidiknya berwana-warni, sempurna banget.
compo and angle is perfect. I prefer to use a much slower shutter to increase more of the moving effect. IMHO. Good Job