Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Janette J. D. Najoan (28563)
Dear FNers,nnToday is the last day (maybe) for me to upload before I’m leaving… and this is my present to you all my friends, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties n’ relatives… you are all the best gift from God in my life, thanks for your support n’ prayer… God bless you all…nnThis is only Christmas Ornament under the golden tree, was captured from Orchard Rd. Singapore.nnFinally… Wish you all the best Christmas and prosperous New Year… nnJohn 14:27, "I'm leaving you My peace. I'm giving it unto you." nn"Now stop allowing yourself to be agitated and disturbed. And do not permit yourselves to become unsettled." God has done His part to give you His peace. As a child of God, His peace is on the inside of you right.nnAlways welcome for the comments for an improvement…nnOriginal Picture + PSCS2: burning, resize n’ framing.nnDate Time Original: 2006:11:20 14:30:31nISO Speed Ratings: 80
18 tahun yang lalu
Suka dengan sudut bidiknya...olahanya juga menarik...Merry X'mas non...
cakep banget dan tone yang begitu sip. angle pengambilan juga mantap. Good job. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas....... cakep ... tajam dan mantap tonenya...
Obyek sederhana yang jadi RUAR... BIASA... Salut.
tonenya mantap, merry x'mas and GBU
kereeen abis deh,,...............................hl
Good luck in the future, MErry X'mas hapy New year.. -salam kenal-
Jamurnya besar seklali? Jadi teringat Mario Bros. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. salam....
nice capture idea and great colors... love it.... happy holidays and stay safe... cheers.
Janette !! Merry X-mas & Happy New Year!! bubye..... cepetan kembali lagi ke FN yah..
3Tu :) warna2nya tajamn object nya yg dominan.. menarik sis.. salam natal
kompo n angle yg mantap.. salam
Good selection of angle... The tone is perfectly nice... Good Job J...
Janette.. mending kamu dandan ala Putri Salju n ngeceng situ hahaha.. nice n jamurnya itu lohh bright
jane... tajem nih...very nice tone... happy holiday... salam
apik dengan eye nya.....slamat natal ne !..............nnt bkdp di Manado !...........s@L@m
tajems kali tantew. pake 2.8 bagian BG kurang blur juga yak? berarti kurang deket tuh ngambilnya.. hohoho... merry x'mass too..
nice tone mbak....salam
jamur nya super mario bros ya......cuma sedikit rada OE....salam ZA
kekencangan dikit rendernya :D
Waah... ini rumah Smurf, ya..... ('da mo pi mana, so? mo pulang kampung di Tonséa kang...)
ok ati2 dijalan kak jane jangan lupa oleh2nya
merry x-masssssssss........ lucu...kaya jamur mario bros...SALAM Natal deh ^_^
Merry X-mas to you sist... cakep olahan tones, dan detailnya.. warnanya juga asik.. well done... you're leaving from FN kah ?
met natal dan taon baru mbak Janette...... salam =^^=