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Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture taken in order to captured Hong Kong View of Light in Black & White, as one of the learning point on composing picture with alternative tone and colour. It's cloudy at that moment and it's makes quite difficult to captured a clear sky as background for this picture. Critics and comments from FNers are most welcome and appreciated...manythanks...bukitnnDate Time Original: 2006:12:09 18:03:47nISO Speed Ratings: 1600
18 tahun yang lalu
wah townscape tetap cantik ya dalam BW...nice shot!salut.
wow... no comment... betul2 bagus... salam
Alamak, nightshot dalam BWnya tak kurang indahnya euy.
BAGUS, HK BW ternyata menarik juga. Tajamnya bagus, Anglenya asik. thank's
BWnya mempercantik PoI....nice angle of view
excellent execution ...
Angle, tone dan komponya keren... mas, Nice BW picture. salam
nice B+W image... angel nya cakep.. rgds
hi angle ......composition.......Great photo.....
BW yg asik, kompo&tone oke banget, salam
Nice night shot. Komposisinya ok. Salam.
BWnya Asyik bNaget............................................ ........
Angle yg mantep,view dan BWnya cakep....... salam.
Wow... nice try HK in BW... Salam
nice view oak,bwnya cakep,salam
beautiful wide panorama...kompo dan agle yg bagus...tone BW pada pengambilan night shoot ternyata asyik juga yah...salam.
wow ... angle nya keren banget nih ... bw nya juga bagus banget, tint ama tone nya keren ... salam ...
it could be the glass, camera shake, or resize.... longer exposure is better ... (tripod is a must).
There's no boundaries in photography. You did a good experiment by capturing night cityscape in black & white tone. Too bad the weather wasn't good enough, that explain the hazy view of the buildings at the far end. There's a little bit distortion which I prefer to be corrected :-)
dalam BW tetep keren...binar2nya nendang banget....!
komponya gile bener
BW nya keren mas. angle nya pun manteb. nightshot yg menarik. kalo saya pribadi lbh suka nightshot di color-in, warna-warni lampunya jd keluar dan disitulah uniknya nightshot. itu cuma selera doang koq.. over all, GREAT ! ;)
hmmm.... angglenya keren... liat gini jadi wow... he... he...
BWnya cakep......komposisi ama angle yang bagus....salam
keren bgt deh,mungkin kalo ga BW jd byasa aja,kalo d BW kyk gini baaru beda..keren smuanya